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Death Pinalty

from Wikipedia :

The death penalty is a penalty imposed or the verdicts the court (or without the court) as the heaviest form of punishment imposed on someone Read.

In Indonesia, tens of people have died executed following the system of the Penal Code colonial relic. Even during the New Order of the victims executed most of the political prisoners.

Although both constitutional amendment’45 Constitution, Article 28 paragraph 1, states: “The right to life, the right not to torture, the rights of freedom of thought and conscience, religious rights, the right not to be enslaved, the right to privacy is recognized as the legal front, and the right not to be charged on the basis of the applicable law is retroactive human rights that can not be reduced under any circumstances “, but the legislation remains under threat include the death penalty.

Groups supporting the death penalty not only that the murderer just have the right to life and not tortured. The public also have the right to live and not tortured. To maintain the rights of living people, the violation of these rights should be executed.

Until 2006 there are 11 registered legislation, which still has the threat of the death penalty, such as the Penal Code, the Law on Narcotics, Anti-Corruption Law, Law on Anti-terrorism, law courts and human rights. This list can increase with the length of the Intelligence Bill, and Bill Secret State.