sick and suck

Check this sickness :

Please check out this :

check please :

Do Not Naked

In my ages now, I am very concerned with young people today. Based on a broadcast television station, many fact the youth have trapped in many free sexual activities that tends to lead to prostitution. 57% of indonesian youth had sex with his or her partners before marriage. And 27% of them have doing abortion. πŸ‘Ώ

What’s happened with this youth ?

With hedonisme era, the desire to have valuables things or gadgets to follow fashion and be called fashionable, stylist, trend setter. Make this young peoples blind for her morallity or the teenagers period. Most of all, there are many case i’ve been studied, these youth had bravery to naked in front of cellular phone cameras and being taped or recorded and distribute freely between peer to peers.

This case become more comprehensively, that the our youth trapped in prostitution because these endorsed elements or become victims of raping, seduction, sexual harassment.

Please The Majority of authorities beware of this situation and conduct of our youth.

Dirgahayu Indonesian Youth !!!

Published Photos

There are photos of e-learning award 2008 in Puppets Musseum TMII October 28, 2008.

Picture of Me (with blue shirt and sun glasses old timer) with my best student of Axiaga Fighter, this team compete in mural graphics on the wall.

Damn Critism

Tomorrow there are many activities to cemmorate our school, the celebrating 25th years of our institution. But, i had many worried about the activities. Damn .. Damn … Damn …

What about this, what about that. Many problems had pointed to me, as managing director or else. Especially about raising fund, campaign and sponsorships. The other team member have nothing to spare just work quitely without sound and no results. Just critized and critized more and many more.

How about you today ? Are you having more critism in your team ?

Strange connection

Today my phoneline is having strange situation. If idle, the idle tone not heared, but if you dial number 3232*** then phone will be ringed and then the internet connetion will be established.

Very strange circumstances … but I like it, becauce I am willing to write blog again as usual. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜†

Bad Mood

I have no idea, what happened yesterday. In the early morning i wake up and writing – commenting – describing usually breaking blogging and this day, there is bad situation. Internet connection from speedy could not be established well. So now I’m depend on my cellular phone 6300 with kartuHALO card from Telkomsel.

In speed up from cellular operator, not best enough but surely do to make a post. But lack of this connection is I could upload the photos because need more bandwith and pulse. And that possible to make the internet cost get higher than previous month.

Please Telkom, make your customer satisfied esspecially in Regional V – Regional Divition of East Kalimantan, you’reΒ  help is required:cry: πŸ˜₯

New Friend – Cindy Calista

She’s one of my blog log visitor. She’s a sister of my student. But her comment so delightful and make a new improve for this blog writer to make a article about her. Cindy Calista is a daughter of one petroleum distributor tycoon in my town. (I’m sorry could not post her photos because connection with friendster server could not be established) Who are studying in Hang Tuah University, Surabaya.

Her visiting to mine because my assignment to her sister (my student right now) to campaigned The Physics Teacher blog’s to everyone who had problem of major study about physics in Senior High School. But that campaign became a new style to have a new visitors abroad.

damn 13

This day, in early morning i felt this is a good day. So I used my tie with formal dress. To run the make a difference programme. Start with asking the students to cleaning the garbage in their locker’s, table drawer, etc. Then, make a new teach model start with group investigation. Closing the teaching show, i was make gammabunta group major of science to felt happy for the assignment. After few hours, we (heri, krisna, and I) went to Telkomsel office to make a negotiating proccess to celebrating the 25th of SMADA Palangka Raya with Telkomsel for our sponsor.

With hard discussed and little hard pushed words, the negotiating became a negotiable and fun circumstances. But the sad, begin in the evening. My telephone system and DSL could not reach to accessed the internet as usuall. Hard to believe, Telkom as major internet service provider with had many experiences couldn’t solve this problem quickly and make comfortable for customers.

So, i wrote this post with 6300 modem’s using the IM3 card and kartuHALO.

Inconvinience is my middle name, said this telecomunication corpΒ  😑 πŸ˜† πŸ˜† just like Light Public Enterprise (or PLN)

Please if you are not satisfied with the ISP, could join me to comment.